Unfamiliar text practice 2

how this helped u to understand the writer’s attitude towards seafood?

simile: “recoil like dracula drenched in holy water”

Rhetorical question: “have you looked at an oyster?”

In this text the writer talks about their hatred for seafood as they state immediately at the beginning of the text ” I can’t stomach seafood”. They use different language effects to get there message across two of these are simile and rhetorical question.

The writer uses a simile to show the reader exactly how they feel about seafood. When the writer says “recoil like Dracula drenched in holy water” us as readers get a clear image of a vampire shrinking back and burning from holy water and this image reflects the writers feeling towards seafood as they shrink away in disgust at the mere thought of it

In the last paragraph of the text, the writer uses a rhetorical question and this creates a more personal view on the text. When they ask ” have you looked at an oyster?” we think about how we feel about seafood and this gives us a connection to the writer and we sympathise with them. By using this language feature they show how strongly they feel about this topic we hear they voice asking the question at it makes the whole text more intense.

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