
Text 1 Gataca Text 2 MacbethText 3 LoraxText 4 Ozymandias
Ideas about AmbitionThat if you have ambition you can achieve anythingThat ambition can be dangerous to your mind without the balance of moralityThat if your ambition goes against your common sense then you will end up regretting your decisionsThat now matter how ambitious you are or how much you achieve you will die in the end anyway so…
Methodcamera angles pathetic fallacysymbolism

Ambition is something we are all expected to have, in school, in sport and just in our everyday lives. It’s a good thing and it is something you are respected for if you have it, but like most things, it has its flaws. In the texts Gattaca, Macbeth, The Lorax and Ozymandias we are taught both its dangers and its values. Gattaca teaches us that no matter where you stand in society you can achieve your dreams when you have enough ambition, but Macbeth teaches us that without morality that same ambition can cause us severe harm. The Lorax shows us that, like Macbeth, if you go against your morals to reach your goal the consequences can be devastating and Ozymandias shows us that no matter how ambitious or how far you get in life, you are your gonna die in the end anyway so it doesn’t really matter.

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